In this post I want to present some data about EU LCS during 4 splits (2013 and 2014 season). During that 2 years we could see 95 players from 19 countries on the LCS stage (some of them were subs).
First, list of all the players that were playing at the LCS EU stage:
If we present the share of each country in a general graph it will look like that:
"heat map" to add:
On the graphs we can observe two biggest problems of the European scene - language barrier and limited number of talent coming from each country. Countries that speak english very well (Sweden, Germany, UK, Netherlands, Denmark) will have bigger % of the players that were in the LCS 2 seasons or more and countries that have problems with english (Poland, Spain, France, Lithuania) will have more players but they often do not play for so long (teams from that countries prefer to speak their native language, look for roster changes at the local scene). The nice example of this is Gambit Gaming. They met with this problem this season.They could be better by picking some players from Western countries but language barrier didn't allow them to. And then they met the second obstacle - lack of talent at the local scene. NA do not have problems like this because everyone speaks English there.
Here is the graph with % of the players from each country by season. If green and purple colour are more than 50% it means that local scene develops. If you look at Russia, France, Spain and Lithuania season by season number of the players from that country is falling down. Countries that are better and better season by season are: Poland, UK, Netherlands and Sweden.
Poland and Scandinavia is growing while Western Countries such as France or Spain are falling. EU needs a young blood from Western countries to keep with other regions.
Interesting fact about European Scene is that every tournament is played on EUW and most of the players are from EUW while season by season there is more EUNE players than EUW in the LCS.
Here is what I found about countries and servers. Sorry for my poor english :(
In this post I want to present some data about EU LCS during 4 splits (2013 and 2014 season). During that 2 years we could see 95 players from 19 countries on the LCS stage (some of them were subs).
First, list of all the players that were playing at the LCS EU stage:
If we present the share of each country in a general graph it will look like that:
"heat map" to add:
Till now it should be pretty easy to everyone to understand everything above. Poland is a country with the highest number of LCS players (16), second is France (11), and then Denmark and Germany (both 10). LCS is concentrated around North and West part of Europe. During 2013 season there was no player from South-East Europe (Unlimited and Forg1ven, Copenhagen Wolves duo botlane were the first players in the LCS to represent that part of the region).
Very important graph that can give us interesting conclusions is the info how many player per country stayed at the LCS for more than one season. Wickd, Froggen, Svenskeren, Nyph, Kev1n, Candy Panda, nRated, sOAZ, YellOwStaR, CyanideFI, Darien, Diamond, Genja and xPeke are the players that were playing in all of the seasons of EU LCS (Spring 2013, Summer 2013, Spring 2014, Summer 2014) - 3 from Denmark, 4 from Germany, 2 from France, 3 from Russia and 1 from Finland/Spain.
This graph shows how big is % of the players from each country in the whole season thing. How to read it? For example on the first graph Poland has 11% and it means that among all the players who played three seasons 11% of them are Poles.On the graphs we can observe two biggest problems of the European scene - language barrier and limited number of talent coming from each country. Countries that speak english very well (Sweden, Germany, UK, Netherlands, Denmark) will have bigger % of the players that were in the LCS 2 seasons or more and countries that have problems with english (Poland, Spain, France, Lithuania) will have more players but they often do not play for so long (teams from that countries prefer to speak their native language, look for roster changes at the local scene). The nice example of this is Gambit Gaming. They met with this problem this season.They could be better by picking some players from Western countries but language barrier didn't allow them to. And then they met the second obstacle - lack of talent at the local scene. NA do not have problems like this because everyone speaks English there.
Here is the graph with % of the players from each country by season. If green and purple colour are more than 50% it means that local scene develops. If you look at Russia, France, Spain and Lithuania season by season number of the players from that country is falling down. Countries that are better and better season by season are: Poland, UK, Netherlands and Sweden.
Here is the graph of players by country per season:
Interesting fact about European Scene is that every tournament is played on EUW and most of the players are from EUW while season by season there is more EUNE players than EUW in the LCS.
Here is what I found about countries and servers. Sorry for my poor english :(
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